Sun, 9 October 2016
It's a Mousetalgia Review Revue! First, Kristen reviews Queen of Katwe. Kristen lived in sub-Saharan Africa for 3 months and has a unique perspective on the meaning and authenticity of the film. Then, we revisit "Walt Disney Studios - A Lot to Remember" and give a brief review of the book, along with speculation about its recall by the Walt Disney Company. Kristen buys a back issue of Animatrix featuring animator Frank Thomas and discusses Thomas' view of attributing film credits and working with Walt; then she discusses the newest re-release of Beauty and the Beast on Blu-Ray and reveals some details from the bonus content. Finally, we discuss "Tinker Bell Talks," and Margaret Kerry's "accidental" release of her new autobiography. Plus: we discuss our Disneyland dreams and wonder what they mean.