Sun, 14 August 2016
This week, Mousetalgia is pleased to speak with two authors of important upcoming books about Disney animation history. Daniel Kothenschulte, editor of the 620+ page "The Walt Disney Film Archives: The Animated Movies 1921-1968", joins us to talk about his incredible upcoming book from Taschen, with topics including the transformation of the Walt Disney Studios in the 1940s and Walt's contribution to the "family film" genre. Then, author Didier Ghez joins us to continue discussing the Studios in the '40s as we discuss his new book "They Drew as They Pleased: The Hidden Art of Disney's Musical Years -The 1940s Part 1." We discuss why the '40s were considered musical years, the creation of the Disney Studios' music library, Fantasia - Walt's "playing field for invention," and Walt's opinion of women in animation in the Studio's earlier days. Plus - Team Mousetalgia talks Disneyland news, including discussion about parades coming and going and the new parking garage and sky bridge. Also - Newsies will be hitting the big screen!