Sun, 28 November 2010
Let down your hair and enjoy Team Mousetalgia's review of Tangled, Disney's 50th animated feature. We talk 3D glasses, Alan Menken's score, Mandy Moore's crooning, and that PG rating. Also - Bobby, Sharon and Cubby tell Mouse-ke-tales! Team Mousetalgia reports from the Walt Disney Family Museum's Mickey Mouse Club reunion, and we talk about the event, including a meet and greet with the celebrities. Plus - Disney holiday decorations, Mater's Tall Tales, and more!
Mon, 22 November 2010
Eye on Imagineering - In this week's episode, Mousetalgia welcomes Walt Disney Imagineer Brian Crosby to the show, who discusses his career as an Imagineer and his background as an artist. We talk about breaking into Imagineering, The ImagiNations project, and Brian's art for sale at the Disney Gallery and various special events. Also - first Disneyland memories, NYC's Disney Store, TRON, Kingdom Comedy, and more!
Sun, 14 November 2010
Pixar! Team Mousetalgia report on a VIP screening at the Pixar Studios with director Lee Unkrich and another recent Pixar event with director Andrew Jimenez. Also - a review of the "Pixar: 25 Years of Animation" exhibit at the Oakland Museum of California; our favorite Pixar shorts; shopping at the Pixar studio; and a bonus Disneyland trip report. Does Tron belong in World of Color? Also - Jeff attends the taping of the Disneyland Christmas Parade, ElecTRONica continues to impress, and more!
Mon, 8 November 2010
It's Listener Email Monday on Mousetalgia! This week, join Team Mousetalgia as we talk about a little bit of everything, from Annual Passports to Disneyland's half marathon. We discuss Disney-fied fairy tales and weigh their pros and cons. More on live music in the park and listener trip reports - and Chuckles the Clown: is he keeping coulrophobes from enjoying Toy Story 3? Plus - Mousetalgia Haiku, and more!
Mon, 1 November 2010
Let the Memories Begin! In this week's Mousetalgia Emporium, Team Mousetalgia discusses Disney's 'Memories' campaign - is it worth the hype? Speaking of hype, Duffy the Disney Bear finally appears at Disneyland Resort, but to what end? Also, Tim Burton and Danny Elfman release a music box, ways to remember Walt in the parks, and Christmas cheer already starts spreading through the parks. Plus - Tron invades World of Color, and more!