Sun, 14 September 2014
Animator James Lopez talks about his new 2D animated venture "Hullabaloo" and television producer Todd Szuch takes us with him on a walking tour of Walt Disney's Woking Way residence on this week's episode of Mousetalgia. First, James Lopez, who has been an animator for over 25 years and started with Disney on The Lion King, talks about the status of the animation industry and his independent hand-drawn animated project called "Hullabaloo." Lopez describes the challenges that have faced animators over the past two decades and the exciting possibilities that lie ahead. Then producer Todd Szuch takes on on a special promotional event for the upcoming Maleficent Blu-ray release which was held inside of one of Walt Disney's original Los Angeles homes on Woking Way, where we join him on a tour of the property hosted by historian Paula Sigman Lowery and producer Don Hahn. Plus - corporate collusion rears its ugly head, an art exhibit celebrating Disney Legend Rolly Crump opens - and more!